• When will my order arrive ?
When your order is shipped, we will immediately send you an email containing a tracking number. Using this number you will be able to know where is your item and when it is going to arrive to you.
In case you did not receive this email, please email us at support@eelelec.com.
  • How can I track my order

When your order is shipped, we will immediately send you an email containing a tracking number. Using this
number you will be able to know where is your item and when it is going to arrive to you. In case you did not receive this email, please email us at support@eelelc.com.

  • Will I have to pay any duties and taxes on top of my order?

This depends on the area you are ordering from. If you order from Europe, for instance, you will be charged with VTA duties. In other words, you will be liable for all import duties, customs and taxes.

Please be aware that EELELEC.com does not have any control for any duties, customs and taxes levied by the country your order is being shipped to. We cannot advise you what the cost will be as these charges can
vary according to country.

Since these fees are not computed nor applied to orders by EELELEC.com, please contact your local customs office to find out more information if you are unsure of the charges.

  • What if the item I received is damaged or faulty

We always work hard to ensure that all items are of the highest quality and guarantee to our customers a great brand experience.

However, if you have a concern with a faulty or damaged item, please email us
at support@eelelec.com, so we can urgently review the matter and find the best solution for you.